My Munchkins & Their Shows

Heyyyyy everybody! So my life has literally become overrun with the shows my children watch. I can’t even tell you how many toys we’ve bought of these characters, the kids clothes and even planning for their bedrooms. Ugh🤐



Like for instance my son Elijah, he’s totally in love with Daniel tiger and Blaze and the monster machines. We got him a tablet for his birthday and OMG I can’t take it. 😨 I downloaded the Daniel tiger app. What a big mistake that was!!!!! All he does is play the damn theme song over and over all day. If i could pull out each one of my locs one by one i would. Lol 😂  One thing that I love about Daniel tiger is the fact that it’s based off of the former show Mr.Roger’s neighborhood. All the characters names are of the characters on the Mr.Roger’s show.


Now my daughter Léa on the other hand she’s super into Peppa pig AAANNNNNDDDDDDD Daniel Tiger!!! 

😣 nooooooooooooooooooo(Long dramatic scream on the inside)

In my house it’s like an on-going marathon. They have literally watched every season of Peppa and Daniel x10. A bit mundane if you ask me.😐


When I first saw Peppa pig it was the most annoying show ever, but it grew on me.

But now I can literally sing every song on all 3 shows.

Look don’t judge me…..I’m just a big kid inside.


All in all i actually like watching these shows with them even though, I complain about them.

Okay I’m going to stop ranting about these damn cartoons now!


-Xoxo Mrs. Bunn💋